As a part of ‘Safety Week 2019’ we’d like to remind our members the importance
of fall protection in the workplace.
Employees under OSHA General Duty Clause have a right to a safe and healthful
workplace. Toward that end, OSHA mandates that all employers in construction
provide fall protection to workers as stated in 1910.28 and Subpart M of
“Unprotected sides and edges.” Each employee on a walking/working
surface (horizontal and vertical surface) with an unprotected side or edge which
is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling
using guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems.
Fall protection and arrest systems must be installed, maintained and inspected
by a competent person.
Employees utilizing harnesses, a retractable, lanyards and other fall arrest
devices must inspect equipment prior to use. All defective equipment should be
removed from service immediately.
To prevent injuries and fatalities employers must train all workers who are
exposed to fall hazards. Training must be documented in addition to a written
fall protection plan accessible to all employees.
A culture of Safety is very necessary to ensure that each worker return home to
their families at the end of each work day. Join us in helping our industry
achieve zero injuries and fatalities. We can achieve this simply by training,
proper work procedures and oversight.
As the Director of Safety at ABC Greater Baltimore, it is my goal and purpose
to increase fall protection awareness for all members. As a member of ABC, I am
your resource for all things safety. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me
for training, questions or assistance.
For more information on #SafetyWeek2019 visit here.

Gene Cobb
ABC Safety Director