The Construction Education Academy is welcoming over 500 students this month! Whether it’s for the new Trade School for post-high school students, or for the Apprenticeship Program, students are eager to start the year and their careers.
ABC’s Apprenticeship program is embracing a blended classroom model where students take one class per week in-person and the other virtual. “This is something we’ve had in the works since before COVID-19. The technology, tools, and awareness of virtual learning just helped us achieve it,” explains Chris Hadfield, Vice President, Workforce Development. The goal of the blended model is to create a more attractive schedule for students in the long run. While they are eager to spend time in the facility’s state-of-the-art labs for their in-person classes, they will be able to take their virtual courses from the comfort of home.”
As for the Trade School, students will be in-person two days a week during the day. They will also meet one Saturday a month. “The comradery that students will gain when working and learning together is priceless,” says Emma Shirey, Outreach Coordinator for the Construction Education Academy Trade School. The goal of the one-year Trade School program is to create a pool of qualified entrants for careers as craft professionals. Once hired, the training they receive in the CEA will give them 2nd year status as apprentices. What sets the Trade School apart from the Apprenticeship program this year is the implementation of soft skills and professional training. On top of their construction education, students at the trade school will develop resumes, interview skills, computer literacy, and interpersonal training, These skills are sure to set them apart in the interview and employment process and set them up for success in their careers.