Community Leaders Visit Project JumpStart


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Reverend Mosley, Kate McShane, Joe Xavier, Del. Kathy Szeliga


Recently, several Baltimore City community leaders had the opportunity to visit Project JumpStart and see the program first hand. Maryland Delegate Kathy Szeliga, Reverend Mosley, Joe Xavier, and Kim Pinkey of Rosemont Neighborhood Improvement Association met with Director of Project JumpStart, Kate McShane to discuss the program.

“I was very inspired by my visit to Project Jump Start. We need to return to a time when a career in the trades was held with honor and esteem. This program is giving hope and direction to men and women in Baltimore City,” said Del. Szeliga. “Building job skills and offering career opportunities is essential to turn our city and our state around. Project Jump Start is a model for our community and as a construction company owner, I can’t wait to help out myself!”

Delegate Szeliga is a candidate for the U.S. Senate and has been endorsed by the four Maryland chapters and ABC National.