The ABC Young Leaders Professional Development Program is a six month program designed to provide a series of educational seminars, network opportunities, mentoring and community service projects for the developing young professional. This program serves as a launch pad for careers and will give you the tools to open the doors to a successful future. Making lifelong connections and building networks is the most invaluable feature of this program.
Session 1, December 2021
Harrison Exam, Each student will take the online Harrison Assessment and will set up a
one-on-one session in January with Harrison professional Ken Zeigler of Wellspring Advantage to
review the individual test results.
Session 2, Thursday, January 6th, 2022; ABC Greater Baltimore, 3 pm to 5 pm
Program Orientation, Mentor Mix & Mingle, and Happy Hour, Students and mentors will be
introduced to the program where the guidelines and requirements will be laid out for the year.
Following the brief meeting there will be timed sessions for each student to
‘speed network’ their way through meeting their mentors & fellow student groups. An informal
network to follow.
Session 3, Thursday, January 27th, 2022; Neuberger & Co., 8 am to 10 am
We welcome Matt Neuberger of Neuberger & Co. to discuss how to self motivate yourself. This
eye-opening session makes you truly think through and prioritize every aspect of your life. You will
be surprised at the changes and revelations you will come to during this session!
Session 4, Thursday, February 10th, 2022; Location TBD, 8 am to 10 am
Negotiating Skills, Presented by Wally Adamchik of FireStarter Consulting. In this
informative session participants will learn industry tricks on how to negotiate specific to the
construction trades as well as in tough life situations in general. You are sure to leave this session
feeling empowered and convident to take on those tough conversations.
Session 5, Thursday, March 17th, 2022; ABC Greater Baltimore, 8 am to 10 am
The Art of Networking, The group will focus on how to make the most out of attending
networking events and how to network on a day-to-day basis. Building and maintaining business
relationships can be an invaluable skill as you progress throughout your professional career. Matt
Neuberger of Neuberger & Co., provides an interactive experience on learning to expand your
business network by attending events and properly following up with contacts. Attend ABC’s
March Madness Network the same evening at no cost to the PDP students - put your newly
acquired skills to work!
Session 6, March/April 2022
Class Organized Social Event
The class will organize an outing for students and mentors. It could be anything from Axe
Throwing to Go Cart Races to Clay Pigeon Shooting , etc... The group of students are expected to
initiate the plans amongst themselves and make arrangements for the event (the event is funded
through the PDP tuitions).
Session 7, Thursday, April 7th, 2022; ABC Greater Baltimore, 8 am to 10 am
Career Development Reports We will welcome back Ken Zeigler to discuss a newly introduced portion of the Harrison Assessments, Career Development Reports. These reports are personalized to each student and will focus on certain traits that show a need for development. This class allows each student and mentor to collaborate on growth and development strategies.
Session 8, April/May 2022
One-on-One with Industry Leader
Students find time on their own schedule to meet one-on-one with their appointed mentors.
Session 9, Thursday, May 12th, 2022; ABC Greater Baltimore, 2 pm to 5 pm
Jobsite Visit, The group will meet on-site of a near-completed or just-completed commercial
contracting project to discuss various topics such as Building Information Modeling (BIM),
Integrated Project Deliever Methods (IPD) and other issues/problems that arise during the
Design-Bid-Build/Design-Build processes. Informal happy hour to follow.
Session 10, Thursday, June 2nd, 2022; ABC Greater Baltimore, 8 am to 10 am
Controlling Your Emotions, an interactive discussion with Matt Neuberger of Neuberger & Co. on
how to control your emotions in the workplace as both an employee and a manager. You will
also learn what triggers others’ emotions, in order to better understand and work with those
June 2022 OR December 2022
Community Service Project with the Believe in Tomorrow House at Johns Hopkins; 4 to 8 pm
As a requirement of completing this program each student will need to participate in one (1) of
the two (2) scheduled dates at the Believe in Tomorrow House at JH’s Children’s Hospital. There
will be a summer date (May/June) and a Winter Date (Dec) to choose from. Details will be
presented to the group by the YL committee.
Thursday, June 9th 2022; Location TBD
Professional Development Program Graduation Dinner