ABC Partners with BCPS for ‘Construction Tech Academy’


Last summer, ABC Baltimore teamed up with Baltimore County Public Schools and Community College of Baltimore County and conducted a pilot program for a group of rising seniors called the Construction Tech Academy. ABC’s goal was to increase the vocational training available in public schools. The program ran so well and its second year begins July 5th.

This summer, 17 students are enrolled in the academy, which was modeled after the successful JumpStart program ABC instituted eight years ago. The class introduces students to construction careers, provides them with safety training, hands on experience, an introduction to carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work all within 100 hours of classroom training.

“Last year ran so well and we have a jam-packed summer for these students full of fun, new experiences in construction trades,” said Michelle Butt, ABC’s Senior Vice President of Education, who is running the Construction Tech Academy.

ABC is helping fund the program through The State Apprenticeship Training Fund.

In addition to the guest speakers, field trips, and hands on experiences, the students are also taught interviewing skills and on the final day of the program, are interviewed by contractors.

“Our goal is to prepare these students as much as possible for their professional lives in construction,” says Butt. “We hope this program grows larger each year.”

View BCPS’s video about last year’s pilot program:

If any contractors would like to participate in interviewing academy students on July 29th, please contact Michelle Butt.