Board Member ‘Spotlight:’ Debra Mirabile


Company: DSM Contracting

Job Description: Owner, Wearer of Many Hats

How did you get involved with ABC?

I was in search of after-hours training courses for myself and for staff, and discovered ABC’s curriculum. I joined and became active in the Women in ABC (WABC) committee to network and promote women’s development in the construction industry.

What is your passion as a board member?

So much. I’m a helper by nature and I love to network both for myself and others, where I see the potential for beneficial relationships to form. I want to help provide access to opportunities and politically advocate for our industry, and increase diversity within the organization. I look forward to seeing ABC Baltimore’s new training venue mature into an even more valuable asset to the construction community.

What are your goals for the future of ABC?

My biggest goal is to increase diversity. It’s such a broad topic, and diversity provides unparalleled strength. Diversity means all things: education, experience, background, race, gender, company size, trade specialty, market, and so much more. The more experiences and views that we can bring together will help ABC to better understand how to help its members, provide access to training and networking opportunities, and advocate for them. I want to see our training opportunities expand to create an even more capable local workforce.

What do you do in your spare time?

Most people think that I work in my spare time. This is unfortunately very often a true statement. However, I very much enjoy spending time with friends and family – including my husband and two school-aged children, entertaining at my farm, camping (glamping), reading, and learning.

Happy to have you as a new addition to the board, Debra!