Board of Directors ‘Spotlight:’ Kathy Humm


Company: Harkins Builders

Job Description: Director of Human Resources – I oversee all functions of HR – recruiting, retention, training, benefits, corporate culture, well-being, community service, policies, procedures, and best practices. Additionally, I work closely with the executive team on strategic planning, current and future initiatives, and industry presence.

How did you get involved with ABC? I joined Women in ABC Committee to learn more about ABC, network with women in the industry, and attract women into construction related professions.

What is your passion as a board member? ABC is a wonderful organization that provides networking, training, and political advocacy.  I would really like to increase participation in our networking events, training, and membership.

What are your goals for the future of ABC? With our new office and training facility, my goal as a Board member will be to promote ABC Baltimore as the premiere training venue for the construction industry.

What are your hobbies/interests? In my spare time, I enjoy exercising, reading, writing, being near the water, and traveling to new places.  I also enjoy spending time with my children and step children (Paul, Clifton, Kristina, Lauren, Annalise, Ally, and Shelly) and my husband, Wes.