Take a STAND Against Suicide


The construction industry has the highest rate of suicide, as well as the highest number of suicides across all industries, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2016, the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention was founded to promote mental health wellness.  In September, CIASP launched a …

Of Collaboration, Deliberation & Axe Throwing


ABC/AIA panel meet to discuss ‘Navigating Budgets & Owner Expectations’ The always interesting dynamic between architects and contractors must be improving, at least in the Baltimore region. How else would you explain having a panel discussion between AIA and ABC members followed by axe throwing? The trust level must be …

What You Need to Know About Where the Economy is Headed


Despite some great economic indicators, such as low inflation and historically low unemployment, there’s been a lot of buzz lately that the U.S. economy may be headed into a recession. During a recent meeting of the General Contractor Executive Roundtable, ABC’s long-time economist, Anirban Basu, offered advice on preparing for …

Fraud Protection: How Safe is Your Company?


The ABC Small Business Circle is hosting a special seminar on Wednesday, September 11 here at our offices in Towson. This is a free seminar to our contractor members. Our speaker is Allen Schiff, CPA, CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner). If you would like to attend, you can email our Small …

The Sharing Economy and the Construction Industry


The world is changing in so many ways. One sign of this change is the sharing economy. It has transformed the world of taxi driving with the advent of ride-sharing services and expanded the options for lodging as well. New areas seem more suitable for the sharing economy and are …



ABC Greater Baltimore is pleased to announce its new strategic partnership with BENECO, a national leader in providing customized benefits for your employees and for providing a competitive advantage for contractors who perform prevailing wage work.  The ‘ABC Benefit Package‘ will help contractors stay compliant, reduce administrative burden, manage benefits …

Meet ABC Greater Baltimore’s 55 New Members!


Company FullName EmailAddress Absolute Integrity Electrical Contractors, LLC Kim DiTommasso kditommasso@absoluteintegrityec.com Admiral Leasing Brent Baron BBaron@admiralleasing.com Adrian Steel of Maryland Rafael Onrubia ronrubia@adscom1.com American Heritage Excavating LLC Deborah Collins digit06@comcast.net B & B Welding Company Dennis R. McCartney drmc@bandbwelding.com Benchmark Building Enclosure, Inc. Richard Paulding rpaulding@bbeiglass.com Beneco Todd Kikol tkikol@beneco.com …

Baltimore Members Recognized Nationally Among ABC’s Top Performers


ABC National released its ‘Top Performers’ list which lists contractor members that achieved ABC STEP Gold Status or higher and earned ABC’s AQC credential in 2018. ABC Member companies are ranked from 1 to 150 based on work hours reported on their 2018 STEP applications. Companies are recognized for National …

The Importance of Communication in Construction


Communication is a fundamental aspect of all businesses, but it is often overlooked in construction. Failure to communicate clearly can lead to misunderstandings, worker confusion, project delays, and even lawsuits. With growth in construction jobs expected to outpace all other industries, the need for superintendents and project managers who know …

New, Full-Service MEP firm, Genesis Corp, Opens its Doors


Michelle Wittig, President of Genesis Corporation (a woman-owned mechanical, electrical, plumbing contractor) and her team celebrated their grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony with clients, vendors, and guests including Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill.  Genesis is an ABC Greater Baltimore member and Michelle serves on the chapter’s Diversity Council.  In prior years, …

The Women in ABC Committee Announce Scholarship Winners


Each year, the Women in ABC Committee awards exemplary young women entering a construction-related trade with an award of $2000. This year, out of 15 applicants, the committee awarded two very deserving young women with a scholarship; Rachel Solak and Keely Barkell. Keely Barkell, Winters Mill High School graduate, will …

ABC Celebrates its Apprenticeship Graduates at Ceremony


138 apprentices, representing companies across Maryland, graduated on May 23, 2019 at UMBC’s RAC Arena, from craft training programs from three ABC chapters: Baltimore, Chesapeake Shores and Metro Washington. Of those graduates, 79 were from the Baltimore chapter. Special guest and ABC National Chairman, Tony Rader, led the ceremony and …

Curtis Engine Celebrates 75 Years of Service


Longevity is the Curtis Engine Difference On May 10, 2019, Curtis Engine marked 75 years in business and celebrated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony led by Governor Larry Hogan and former Commerce Secretary and part-owner, Mike Gill. Like many contractors fortunate enough to reach this longevity, the company faced obstacles on …

ABC Partners with MCCEI to Promote Construction Careers


MCCEI releases Build Your Path – The Built Environment Career Resource Guide to school systems throughout the mid Atlantic region. ABC’s Maryland chapters once again joined forces to promote apprenticeship training programs to high school and college students, and recent graduates, through Build Your Path – the Built Environment Career …