PLAs = Less School for the Money

Ally WetheraldLegislative Alerts

PG Co School Super Said New PLA Dictate Could Bring Halt to Construction Program In the wake of executive orders from President Biden and, more recently, Maryland Governor Moore, the Prince Georges County Council has become a  chief proponent for union-only Project Labor Agreements.  But not surprisingly, the resulting increased …

2024 Recession? Not so fast!

Ally WetheraldEducation

Interesting insights for 2023 and 2024 were presented by Anirban Basu, chief economist for ABC, in the recent “2024 Economic Update and Forecast” webinar.   Newsworthy items included construction growth in a majority of sectors, as well as improvement with supply-chain issues.     Despite a declining backlog, residential building enjoyed a …

Gov. Moore Signs Pro-PLA Executive Order

Ally WetheraldLegislative Alerts

EO bars Maryland workers from majority of taxpayer-funded construction projects On November 17, Governor Moore issued an executive order that requires the consideration of union-only-project labor agreements (PLAs) on construction contracts where the state’s financial commitment is $20 million or greater. The net result of this action will severely hinder more than 90% …

Annual Craft Competition Wraps Up

Ally WetheraldEvents

This past Thursday (Nov. 16th), 25 plumbers, electricians, sheet metal, and HVACR mechanics who battled it out to determine the best apprentice in their chosen craft. Congratulations to the following winners of the 2023 ABC Greater Baltimore Craft Competition: HVAC – Shawn O’Neill of KTC Heating and Air Conditioning Plumbing …

Students Fall in for the Fall session of ABC’s Trade School

Ally WetheraldUncategorized

In October, ABC’s ‘Construction Education Academy’ (CEA) is once again providing students with basic knowledge about the trades and entry-level, hands-on experience. The CEA is a trade school for post-high school students. ABC developed this school to create more of a pipeline for qualified entrants to careers in the skilled …

Money Back to Members?! It’s True.

Ally WetheraldUncategorized

ABC Baltimore could cover your 1st year tuition… We are taking advantage of a Maryland Department of Labor program that reimburses employers for the tuition of newly registered apprentice students.   In striving to serve ABC members, Chris Hadfield, Vice President-Workforce Development, has spent many hours perusing the Maryland Department of Labor …

The 2023 Excellence in Construction Awards Program

Ally WetheraldEvents

ABC Greater Baltimore’s Excellence in Construction Awards went LIVE at the Live! Casino and Hotel Maryland in mid-October. Over 325 guests attended the 2023 EIC Awards Program where general and specialty member contractors received well-deserved recognition for their innovative, creative projects. The highlights of the evening were the Project of …

A Launch Pad for Leaders

Ally WetheraldUncategorized

The ABC Young Leaders Professional Development Program is set to take off in 2024. This six-month program has been created to take young trade professionals to the next level of their careers by way of a series of seminars, personal assessments, and elite executive training. Perhaps the most valuable aspect …

Meet the Primes, September 21, 2023

Ally WetheraldEvents, Uncategorized

On September 21st, ABC Greater Baltimore held an event that many in the industry have nicknamed “Speed Networking.” “Meet the Primes” featured five participating General Contractors who arrived to meet and greet over forty qualified subcontractors to discuss the possibility of future collaboration. Chesapeake Contracting Group, CK Commercial, Cross Street …

School is Back in Session

Ally WetheraldEducation, Uncategorized

Recently, ABC’s Construction Education Academy kicked off the 2023-2024 Apprenticeship school year with Orientation Week. Over the course of the week, nearly 500 trade apprentices were warmly welcomed by the instructors and staff, who previewed what the students can expect in their classes and encouraged them on their way to …

2024 Excellence in Construction Award Winners


Diamond Winners: Project Name: 40TENCompany Name: Chesapeake Contracting Group, Inc. Project Name: 7001 Columbia Gateway Drive Lobby & Amenity CenterCompany Name: CK Commercial Project Name: Bender JCC Greater Washington Multi-Use Pavilion & RestroomsCompany Name: A.R. Marani, Inc. Project Name: Chevy Chase LakeCompany Name: Bozzuto Construction Company Project Name: Cross Country …

Workplace Fraud Act Checklist (for GCs & Subcontractors)

Ally WetheraldUncategorized

ABC developed the following checklist for contractors (generals and subcontractors) who subcontract out work to ensure they are in compliance with Maryland’s Workplace Fraud Act (which was passed in 2009). O The Maryland Workplace Fraud Act requires that employers in the construction and landscaping industries give an individual — classified …

Packed House Celebrates 2023 Grads

Ally WetheraldUncategorized

Last Thursday, more than 400 family members, friends, and employers were on hand to cheer on graduates at Morgan State University, as part of ABC’s Annual Apprenticeship Graduation. O Over 100 electricians, plumbers, sheet metal, carpenters, pipefitters, and HVACR mechanics were part of ABCGB’s Class of 2023! Click here to …

ABC 2023 Maryland General Assembly Report to Membership

Ally WetheraldLegislative Alerts

For ABC’s 1500+ member firms, the 2023 Maryland General Assembly was a particularly challenging one as legislators wrestled with the practical implications of legalized cannabis, flirted with criminalizing prevailing wage violations, and imposed union-labor requirements on offshore-wind-energy projects. In a session that saw the introduction of nearly 2500 bills, ABC’s …

Does Your Safety Director Know about Our Safety Peer Group?


Our active Safety Professional Peer Group is made up of 30+ of the region’s most experienced safety professionals and those newer to the safety profession. During their monthly, 90-minute meetings, the group shares best practices, reviews new federal & local state regulations, and explores how they can more greatly impact the industry to …

Meet our New Chair & 2023 Board Members!


Larry Lopez, general manager with WorkBridge, LLC, is the 2023 Chair of the Board for ABC Greater Baltimore. Larry has been active in ABC locally and nationally now for ten years. His national participation led him to become Chair of ABC National’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee for several years.  “Here …

Cannabis: Way Forward is as Clear as Mud


When Maryland voters approved a constitutional amendment that would legalize recreational marijuana, for employers, it raised a lot more questions than answers. i Cannabis will be fully legalized this July. Given that cannabis is traceable in your system for as much as 30 days, it becomes much more a matter …

ABC Baltimore 2022 Craft Competition Winners


The countdown to ABC’s National Craft Championships has begun, with five local apprentices emerging victorious in last month’s Greater Baltimore Craft Competition. The event was held on October 13th at our Construction Education Academy. A hearty congratulations to the following winners who will go on to represent ABC Greater Baltimore …