Anniversary Year Joined Company 50 1972 Alger Electric 50 1972 HMS Insurance Associates, Inc. 50 1972 Precision Concrete Const. Co., Inc. 30 1992 Centerline Construction Copmany 30 1992 Harkins Builders, Inc. 25 1997 A & I, Inc. 25 1997 Bollinger Bros 25 1997 Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Company 25 1997 Clark …
New Trade School ‘Experiment’ is Working!
Last fall when ABC started its day-time trade school for post-high school students, there was more than a little apprehension over whether this new initiative would work… We began that first cohort with 43 students. Within the first month (of a six-month program) more than a third of the students had …
Nonresidential Construction Employment Increases By 13,000 in September, Says ABC
The construction industry added 13,000 jobs on net in September, according to an Associated Builders and Contractors analysis of data released today by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On a year-over-year basis, industry employment has risen by 292,000 jobs, or 3.9%. Nonresidential construction employment increased by 13,100 positions on …
ABC Baltimore Remembers Bill Gough and Dave Brodie
“The construction industry has lost two significant leaders in recent weeks, both of whom were good friends of this organization. Bill Gough, a Vice President of M. Nelson Barnes and Sons, passed away last month. Then, just last week, David Brodie, a Vice President of Wohlsen Construction, passed away. I got …
2022 ABC Greater Baltimore STEP Winners
DIAMOND Allan MyersCBG Building CompanyCK CommercialConstruction Cleaning ServiceG.E. Frisco Co., Inc.Genesis CorporationGilbane Building CompanyGLB Concrete Construction, Inc.Harkins Builders, Inc.Helix ElectricHercules Fence of Maryland LLCIacoboni Site Specialists, Inc.J. Vinton Schafer, A Quandel CompanyJ.D. Belfield Enterprises, LLCKBE Building CorporationM. Davis & Sons, Inc.M.C. Dean, Inc.MacKenzie Contracting Company, LLCSouthway Builders, Inc.TEI Electrical Solutions …
Understanding Maryland’s New Electrical Licensing Law
A Day in the Life at The Construction Education Academy
It was a busy Monday this past week at ABC and it was precisely the kind of day we envisioned years ago when we decided to build our own place. Things got started at 8:30 AM with a First Aid/CPR class. At 9 AM, about a dozen summer interns with …
Making Heads and Tails Out of the New Electrical License
‘Electricians Act – Revisions’ Passes; Plugs Holes in Last Year’s Bill ABC and IEC to Co-Host Virtual Joint ‘Listen/Question & Answer’ Session — JULY 13 Mention the new electrical license bill that was passed last year by the General Assembly, and if you are an apprentice, journey worker, master electrician, …
PLA Executive Order Is Bad Public Policy
Last month, President Joe Biden signed an executive order requiring project labor agreements on federal construction projects over $35 million. The White House claimed that the order will help ease management concerns and organization on large construction projects. ABC sent a letter to the White House highlighting concerns with President Biden’s efforts …
ABC Provides Harkins’ Interns with Hands-on Trades Experience
Last week, ABC hosted Harkins Builders’ winters interns. The program is designed to provide individuals with little to no construction experience an opportunity to explore construction management as a profession. The interns attended a 2-day hands-on training program at our Construction Education Academy in Baltimore. Some of the training included …
Trade School Interest Levels Soar as 40 Local High School Guidance Counselors join Zoom Meeting to Learn More
Sharon Burley, ABC Greater Baltimore’s Programs Outreach Coordinator, sat down via Zoom last month with over 40 local high school guidance counselors to discuss college alternatives for students post-graduation. Sharon was able to talk about our Construction Education Academy trade school and apprenticeship opportunities. Immediately after the call, Sharon received …
ABC Joins the Construction Coalition opposing President Biden’s Executive Order 14063, which requires PLAs on federal construction contracts exceeding $35 million
On February 15th, Associated Builders and Contractors and 15 associations and organizations representing tens of thousands of companies and millions of employees in the construction industry sent a letter to the White House highlighting concerns with President Joe Biden’s efforts to require controversial government-mandated project labor agreements on federal and federally assisted …
President Biden to Sign Sweeping EO Requiring PLAs on Federal Projects
Later today, President Biden will sign an executive order to require the use of project labor agreements on federal construction projects above $35 million at an event at the Ironworkers Local 5 union hall in Upper Marlboro, Md. Read ABC’s statement on the executive order here.Read the White House’s release …
2022 ABC Workforce Development Survey
In 2021, we made significant progress educating and upskilling construction professionals across the industry. ABC has commissioned management consulting firm FMI to conduct ABC’s fourth annual survey to quantify the current investment and workforce development efforts of member contractors and chapters. This year, to simplify the data collection process, a …
Beltway Blueprint
Congress Responds to Biden Reset: This week, Congress is setting out on a new legislative path following President Joe Biden’s nearly two-hour news conference last Wednesday afternoon where he highlighted a potential new strategy to move forward key legislative priorities this year. In a letter last Friday to her colleagues, Speaker Pelosi …
Verve’s Annual Pie Party Serves Up a Big Donation to ABC Woman’s Scholarship Fund
The Verve Partnership’s Annual Pie Fundraiser has become a Holiday staple where building industry professionals attend what is easily the most delicious networking event of the year. The event, the brainchild of Verve Founder and Managing Principal Kelly Ennis, has supported a broad range of charities over the years, this …
Injunction Against Federal Mandate Upheld; Mandate for Employers with 100 or more Employees is Back on
This past Friday evening, federal appeals courts issued two rulings impacting employee vaccine mandates. A ruling by the 6th Circuit reinstates the Biden Administration’s mandate that employers with 100 or more employees implement a vaccine mandate policy with a weekly testing optioin. Several emergency appeals have already been filed with Justice …
Project JumpStart Awarded Grant to Address Gaps in Employment & Home Ownership
Project JumpStart and Cross Street Partners are teaming up with City Life Community Builders to rehabilitate 8 vacant houses on East Biddle Street for first time and low-income homebuyers. This redevelopment project is adjacent to ABC’s new Construction Education Academy. Though the number of vacant houses in the area has …
Ted Jasinski Elected ABCGB Chair
The first architect ever elected to lead ABC Greater Baltimore has deep roots in the skilled trades having gotten his start in the industry by attending a construction skills school in his native Pa. Ted Jasinski was a draftsman while attending school in the evening to get his degree in …
U.S. Department of Labor raises labor law posting penalties
The maximum penalty for federal posting violations is now going up by more than $400 under the increases announced by the Department of Labor – highlighting the seriousness about posting compliance. The new maximum fine amounts are: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): $178Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): $576Job Safety …